Hi, one question, where I work we make Netflix standard films, and their standard is Aces 2065-1, when I convert to Aces CG I don’t have flames, I have more saturated colors, would this for chroma key cropping help? Sometimes I convert aces 2065-1 to cct and I get good cuts, but not always.
ACES2065-1 is absolutely not a good place to do pretty much any work. It is intended and designed strictly for transport between facilities and archiving.
Use ACEScg or ACEScct/cc for work, depending on the task/node in which you are working.
If you want more details you can check this out as it goes into tons of detail on what to work on in what color space.
Ooh, I missed this in your original post…
This means something is incorrect with your Viewing Rules. An image is an image. ACES is designed for every image (captured by a known camera, that is) to look visually the same so we can composite them. BUT, under the hood when you look at the raw pixel data, it is in fact different encoding of pixel values.
Using the correct viewing rules means your ACES2065-1 and ACEScg should look the same, and only look different when you bypass the viewport monitor.
I watched your video, it helped me a lot, sometimes I have small doubts, but the ACES2065-1 even leaving it in bypass when viewing in flame has horrible colors, of course my work monitor is rec 709, cct the image I see washed log, for chroma key It helps a lot, but I’m going to try to use it to convert it into cg aces and at the end of the comp go back to ACES2065-1, as I have to give it to the colorist in ACES2065-1
Yes, a color difference only appears when I use bypass the view monitor
Good, that means its behavior correctly. You are correct…when bypassing the Viewing Rules by hitting the Bypass button, you are looking at raw pixel data. To be clear, you really don’t need to be looking at the raw pixel data for working, only for double checking you know what you have is correct.
Use the Viewing Rules as I’ve outlined at the beginning of the series and you’ll be fine.
Good luck!