Hi I’ve been using randy’s aces one rule colour policy for a while now, thanks randy, …but one problem persist, aces2065 is tagged as acescg, …I thought this was a bug, but now I think its my colormanagment rules, or is it normal buggy flame behaviour?, Ive been manually tagging 2065 when importing, everything else is automatic, but sometimes I miss it and then realise down the line im working on acescg, what PITA.
A before anyone asks why 2065?, Im always supplied aces2065 so I deliver that back for episodic, that’s what studio streamers want.
If Randy’s video shows a successful workflow, but your workflow is not successful then it’ likely to be a misconfiguration, quite possibly on your side.
Watching Randy’s video doesn’t help anyone to understand why your setup is not entirely working the same way as Randy’s video.
Open your flame project, and from the preferences, find the button that exports your color policy.
From there it’s a little easier to determine what might be not working.
If you include what workstation and flame version and OS and monitor, it can help to determine if all of the components of your color policy are working in your favor or against you.
If you are using Rules to automatically tag your media then it might not be able to tell the difference between an EXR in ACEScg vs an EXR in ACES 2065.
I know that my flame can tag my EXRs with colourspace metadata but I don’t know how common this is out in the field with other programs.
There are two parts to the colourMgt preferences. Viewing Rules and Input Rules (Import Tagging).
Either change your Input Rules or manually change the tagging. In the MediaHub, under Colour Management, change it from From File or Rules and select Scene Linear > ACES2065-1
Bingo, this is what I already do and done, but it still can’t tell the difference. So it’s not a bug and it must happen to everyone? or in other words it is a bug and it happens to everyone and every software?
Is it possible your media files are tagged as AcesCG? The File or Rule option will define the Colour Space based on the metadata of the file if available. If not, then the rule is used.
A good trick to see the file CS metadata is to set MediaHub to List View and enable the File Colour Space column This will show your the metadata of the file.