How do you Flame?

:thinking: Is it general or Flame specific you are wanting to start with?

I think general to start, but I’m open to suggestions.

I compiled this document a few years ago. Mostly for myself to put all the things that I was finding into one place.

Colour Management v2.0.pdf (1.1 MB)

I hope it helps. I found that the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was the concept of sceneLinear and display referred.

I can highly recommend this page written by @toodee

It is a much better document than my own :+1:


Hey John! This is dense but so well explained from front to back, really a helpful thing this person has created Intended Audience

This is another website that kind of digs straight into ACES and is again really well explained 2.1. Display Referred vs. Scene Referred – Brylka – TooDee – PanicPost

And finally, this guys site is just really great overall, really cool and well done and interactive, all sorts of stuff there beyond color stuff Color Spaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski


Beat me to the Toodee, Richard!!! haha I’m gonna check out that document you’e got up there as well now!

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Awesome, thank you guys!

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I have one more advanced document, that came from VES.

This is not intended to put you off. Just let the science wash over you like a cold shower. I skimmed it and ignored what I didn’t understand and enjoyed reading smart people talk about a topic that I found (still find) fascinating:


A couple here I haven’t read @BrittCiampa thanks.

How good is Bartosz Ciechanowski. Loved his one about camera lenses :+1:

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It’s so good. Such an awesome way of presenting information, just ingenious!

How do I Flame?

I religiously tag everything.

I have become so obsessed that I even use the ‘Data’ option to give UV textures a ‘UV’ tag and alphas get the 'Matte tag.

I have modified the default File Rules (GLOB) that come with the ACES 1.1 preset so that most of this is automatic.

I love the active colour management feature in Flame


A lot of good info on the Chris Brejon site…I stumbled on it during my ACES quest.


I work 50/50 timeline and batch. I could do most of my jobs 100% on timeline and every now and then do by accident.

In Batch most of my actual comping is done in Action but every now and then I do a few shots without action just to remind myself I can.

Nearly every Batch setup starts out with me grabbing a Gmask Tracer node. I don’t tend to end up with aesthetically pleasing Batch setups and it bugs me.

Favorite keyer for stuff that is actually supposed to be keyed is YUV, but for just picking stuff out of a scene it’s 3d Keyer or Master Keyer. I feel like Master Keyer is unfairly maligned in general. The HLS keyer just makes me mad because it doesn’t work as well or pleasantly as the one in Resolve.

I think the only thing I have used from the Tools tab in the last 5 years or so is Convert Rate.

My most controversial flame habit is that I basically live on the desktop and just drop backups of the conform versions into a Lib periodically. The majority of my jobs I am the only flame person on and I think that informs a lot of my workflow.


I don’t Flame. I Lame.

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