Just tried to install 2023.3 onto my Mac Pro (12.5.1) and the installer keeps crashing. No info given, other than the usual Autodesk reporting form.
Anyone else having install problems?
Just tried to install 2023.3 onto my Mac Pro (12.5.1) and the installer keeps crashing. No info given, other than the usual Autodesk reporting form.
Anyone else having install problems?
Yeah I’ve heard about this in the wild quite a bit recently. It’s been a while but do you have any older versions of Flame installed? I seem to remember removing those older versions and maybe even removing all of opt/Autodesk and then even POSSIBLY disabling the installer verification with a linux command that I can’t seem to find in my notes.
Sorry Im not of more assistance on this one.
last time i installed version 2023.2 we had to do all that removing of other versions. I’m can’t be bothered with all that again right now. Looking at the “Whats New”, i don’t think there’s any reason to update anyway - i’m certainly not interested in Cloud abilities!