Am I the only one that hates all these default extras that appear when importing an XML?
No light, no shadow, no extra Axis, thank you very much.
Seriously, is there a preference for that?
No solution but +1 for this.
In addition I’d vote to ditch Action as the default timeline fx to translate resizes and repos.
This is how the offline system that generated the xml creates transforms. It’s not a flame issue. There are multiple ways to do transforms in premier, and one of those ways translates into a 2d transform node.
So who adds the annoying light and drop shadow? I just loathe it…
Tell it to Adobe. or Avid. I never remember which one makes which bizarre style. One of them is actually a throwback to the old Smoke DVE.
That’s fascinating. I would (sadly, but honestly) be so excited if I brought in an XML and it was filled with 2d Transforms. i would probably not even rip them all out and replace with Resize fxs.
I’m pretty sure this is a Premiere thing… I can always go old school EDL
I can’t keep track. I usually just throw that stuff away and start over. For one thing, it’s all been built to dailies size, which is never the same as what I get from colour. I have a pre-set that automatically adjusts the final footage to match the dailies (on the timeline, not a pre-resize) and if there are moves that came with the xml, I add those to an axis above my preset. It usually just takes seconds.
Of course it would be nice if it all just workded, but I would rather the flame devs work on flame stuff rather than try to second guess what a 3rd party might be doing.
It’s dumbness somewhere in the chain. Just throw away and forget.
I’m the same.
Recently I received an XML and AAF of the same edit from premiere and noticed that the AAF had no Actions in the timeline. So now if I know there will be lots of resizes I’ll use the AAF
I agree that this template for action with unnecessary lights , shadows and axis is quite annoying, but action is the only option for optimal reframing in timeline. If I’m not mistaken, 2d transform is based on the timeline resolution, not the original footage’s resolution.
I’m fine with using Action but, 95% of the time, it’s overkill. Like when the shot loads with some random comp mode or cropped wrongly.
In a world of shortform work this is a minor annoyance but, if I was doing longform, I would revert to good ol’ EDLs and end of story.
In conclusion, it’s Premiere’s fault LOL!
As long as it’s 2d I’ll use resize quite often and action only in anger.
How do you know this?
My numerous experiments with XMLs indicated this is NOT the case.
Message me on Discord if that’s faster.
Quick plug for they Python script created by John Geehreng and myself:
Premiere XML Mediahub
Available via the Logik Portal!
Fixes many issues with XMLs from Premiere, and can automatically resize effects to fit the full-res dailies!
2 things: One is that I use the terms xml and aaf interchangably. The other: Avid xmls are sketchy and usually unreadable. From Avid’s aaf, however, I get an action node that is exactly as if I added it in flame. In both xml and aaf from Premier, I get the convoluted mess that resembles an old Smoke DVE. Also from premier I get 2D Transforms. I think it is when the editor uses “Picture in Picture.” I’m not familiar enough with Premier to confirm this.
You disagree with what I said, yet you created a python script to fix it. Avid gets it right, and needs no fixing. I suppose we could extrapolate and say that flame could have such a python script built in, and therefore correct the issue, but it remains that the issue is with Premier, not flame.
For those who consider dve effects as a nuisance and prefer to delete them, I have been this morning taking a look at an xml with some reframes. It has an effects section tag, named “basic motion” for each segment with a dve effect added. Simply, deleting those sections, xml is imported without actions. I think it could be quite doable a hook to fix this. Or it could be considered open a feedback case to incorporate an “import without effects” option in conform tab.
btw, this “basic motion” section doesn’t have any axis, shadow, or light … or anything close to it ,tag. Not even close. Maybe Avid, premiere… , not have the best of xml implementation but I think flame’s interpretation could be improved. I think someone thought that setting up such a template might be useful.
Kily is right - there’s no tag in a Premiere XML that says “Put a light and shadow here!”
That’s something Flame is doing.
Interesting, I still get Shadows and Lights in my AAFs from Avid - I’m on 2022.3.
I believe FCPXMLs from Resolve create 2D Transforms instead of Actions.
If there’s enough interest, I could add an option to my script to strip out all effects…
But I did so much work to get them right!
I wouldn’t strip them out. I often use the info, I just repackage it in a proper action setup. I’m on 2023.3 and I have an avid aaf from a current job that makes the actions correctly.
This is very interesting. I was used to editing EDLs to fix issues but XMLs are a jumble of text and I don’t even try to go there