Issue with Autodesk Flame 2025.1.2 Upgrade: Clip Preview and Backburner Version Problem

After upgrading to Autodesk Flame 2025.1.2, I’m having an issue where I can’t see the clip preview when trying to import a clip. I also get the error message: “colour policy not yet initialized.”

When I checked the Preferences, under the Backburner menu, it recommends using Backburner Manager version 2025.1.1.3 or later. However, the latest version I can find in the Autodesk App Store is only 2025.1.0.9, and I can’t seem to find where to download the version I need.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or know where I can get Backburner Manager 2025.1.1.3 or a later version? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Mac or Linux?

If Mac check your privacy / full disk permissions.