Just sorting my last few items and realise dthat when i finish, we have two licences for Flame, and two macs running Flame but only 1 Flame user.
Can we assign both licences to a single user, so he can have both Flames running at the same time?
If you’re paying for 2 licenses, you can run 2 instances of flame simultaneous. Licensing has gotten bit confusing so just keep strict track of what machines are logged into which login.
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you need to make up a second autodesk user and assign a license to that.
Their licensing makes no frigging sense for what we do.
I made a user per machine , simple so that i can just assign licenses to machines and not to users as people move around … You can not assign 2x flame licenses to a single user
I really dont get that whole system
You have Identity management, does the assigned license travel with you across machines ? no? great.
You have machine users like so many do, so if you had user based logins and people travel around machines how do you keep track of what is activated where and such?! you cant.
I tried contacting support to get clarification on how we are supposed to handle this and it was the most nonseniscal call ever, autodesk support does not udnerstand their own licensing system.
Floating was better .