List of Color Spaces for Effects

I’ve looked and looked. I can’t find the list that was put together for doing which operations in which color space.

NM. found it here.

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Originally found here. This is the list of compositing operations and functions that may be executed better or best in certain specific colorspaces / colourspaces.

Hard disagree with resizing in linear. Those sharpening kernels get very aggressive. Use log for that.

I like the rest of the list.

Short version:

Comp in linear. Degrain, regrain, grade and resize in log.


Absolutely agree with @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandy’s tip on resize. You can do it in linear but beware sometimes you will get some negative colours in fine detail.

If in timeline use the green colour mgmt to switch to log, resize then switch back to lin using the grey colour mgmt.


id third that.

even in the VES handbook of vfx they say dont resize in lin