Logik Live #133: Flame 2025 with Fred Warren

Joining me this Sunday, April 28th at 2pm is the one and only @fredwarren and I couldn’t be more excited to host him.

We’ll be chatting about the new features in Flame 2025, but not just repeating the Flame Learning Channel tutorials-- we’ll plan to dig into the development side of things: what it’s like to develop groundbreaking tools like this, including the victories and struggles along the way.

Could be a great opportunity to ask a question or two if any have come up as you explore or contemplate the 2025 upgrade.

Hope to see you there!


Just under three hours until we go live—Hope to see you there!

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It was a good show. Well done @Jeff, @fredwarren et al!


Damn, missed it!

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watched the video, …Amazing thanks!

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