Logik Live Episode #15: Joel Osis

The man, the myth, the legend - Joel Osis on Logik Live! Joel does a break down of three amazing shots from two recent spots he worked on. Crowd comping, projections, cleanup, and a transition you won’t believe!

Be sure to check out all of Joel’s amazing tutorials and demos at www.joelosis.com.

Logik Live is proudly sponsored by Cinesys-Oceana. For more information about their remote workflow solutions, visit www.cinesys.io.



@joelosis, I’d be down for seeing a bit more of your streaming setup. Are you into sharing?

Yeah for sure, what were you looking to know? Or u want a video dedicated to my stream setup?


Whatever you would like. There are those of us that need fancy options like UltraGrid or ClearView, then there is a bunch of us at home that need either a software OBS like setup or want a small flexible hardware solution.

It’d be great to have a 5c tour of what you have and why it works for you. BTW, I’m embarassed to admit that I just only finally subscribed to your YouTube channel. :neutral_face: Sorry.

Joel is the best (along with Mihran!). Never have enough of Joel running through his thing.


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Haha no worries