ML "Content-Aware Heal" Matchbox anyone?

How long until we get an equivalent of Photoshop’s “content aware heal brush” in a Matchbox?
Is this something on the horizon? It seems like a logical application of ML. Just curious…

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I am all for the dev team revisiting paint and fixing a whole host of issues and adding that feature as well.


Oh, I was thinking not in Paint, but more along the lines of Pixelspread

have you seen something on moving footage? the last time i think i saw there was a flickering problem and other temporal issues… but it’s been awhile… maybe there’s something new

to my knowledge matchbox can’t really have UI like a brush or icons except maybe some really basic x/y locators so I would rather have them throw a true brush into paint with content aware then a limited matchbox that would be hard to say select a particular region.

No brush, I would just expect an input mask

you should submit an improvement ticket and I will vote for it

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Well, I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a Crok Matchbox or some other one out there

It’s not really that simple. I’ve used the photoshop version, which works amazingly well on a still frame, with moving images with mixed results. AI still has a long way to go with any precision on a temporal basis. After all, it still can’t do high quality roto.

Definitely not simple. That’s why I want the Artificial Intelligence to do the hard work! :smiley:

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Nuke CopyCat is what you want.

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So we need a Flame CloneMachine or something that’ll steal Nuke’s copycat thunder

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To be clear about one thing: even if this feature, in paint or otherwise, is not temporally stable, it would still be a huge help in generating clean plates, matte paintings and other situations where the clone stamp is one’s main option.


I don’t think it would be possible as a matchbox as the infrastructure wouldn’t support ML algorithms to run as a GLSL shader (to my knowledge). But might just be possible like an implementation of the excellent ML Timewarp tool.

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Just came across this thread. Actually there is a better solution in Nuke now called the InPaint node. It does contextual healing and is simply driven by a matte layer. I believe Silhouette also recently got a similar node. It doesn’t require any UI is not blocked by any such limitations. Think of it along the lines of Ls_Wireless, except using a matte


If it’s in Boris Sillouette then maybe it could branch out into Sapphire. @FriendsFromBorisFX ??

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Basic example, took as long as to paint the mask. Obviously would need to be more refined at the end points and a few other plaaces. (InPaint, Nuke 13.2). You can also supply a detail texture, haven’t used that yet.






It does have some additional controls where you can change the direction of the cross-over/occlusion like this:



Silhouette has an Inpaint tool that is remarkably good! Not an ML solution but it’s got some pretty good algorithms and has given me some really good results. It’s also nice that it can be used as a OFX inside Batch.


Hey John,
Probably not the most applicable feature for Sapphire as the power of Silhouette’s InPaint node is the relationship to native spline tools and the ability to stack many splines with various InPaint options in one node. While Sapphire has the Mocha interface and spline creation tools, it would be a very clunky workflow to go beyond one InPaint setting per Mocha spline.

As someone else mentioned, Silhouette is available as an OFX plugin and can be run inside Flame. HTH.
