ML timewarp corruption

Anyone seen this before? This is what I get when respeeding a scene linear rec709 clip.
Doen’t happen in any other colourspace.

Yes. Our usual working space is ACEScg, but we frequently move clips into ACEScct before MLTWing to avoid this kind of thing, and/or clipped highlights.
Also occasionally see it in any colour space, but that’s when the source shot and speed is just too challenging even for MLTW.

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I usually get that issue with aces lineal. I agree. Transform to cct to keep gamma and pixel values in more restrained values.

And… I just discovered this feature. I have a ton of timewarped ACES CG clips in my timeline and can’t understand why the highlights are getting smashed after a render. So is time warping not a linear friendly op?

We have all gone through that issue. Convert them to acesCCT, apply TWML, and convert back to accesCG the results.


oops, I thought it was a new thread and replied as if the previous posts didn’t exist. I read it on my phone, sorry.

Yes, linear values can get very crazy values. I guess there will be some mathematical issues in there for the algorithms and all kind of that magical sutff :laughing:

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