Hi - anyone got a tool / technique for removing moire from a RAW image? I’ve got rainbows and pixels on a digital screen.
UGG. Typically it’s tracking a still.
And I imagine are you scaling it a bunch? Are you sure you’re filtering it using EWA and linear in Action Surfaces?
Yup - i’m scaling it. However it’s not my comp introducing the moire; it’s in the file. The client said CS3 files have a moire and it needs to be “processed” - which they offered to do. (?) I might take them up on that since I have no idea what they’d be doing. I can read it fine, and a teeny blur and adding EWA/Linear filtering does improve things but the rainbows are still there.
Applying some softeness can sometimes help. Maybe stabilize and then track back
But if they are offering to “process” them again for you to fix this problem I would take them up on that offer. Maybe they know of some debayering settings that solve the problem.
If they want to own the fix, that’s a score for you.
On the rainbow, is the underlying image area a relatively solid color, or complex pattern? If mostly a solid color with just the moiree causing color noise, you could try the ak_colorcompressor matchbox. Set the target color to your dominant background color sample and then increase the hue slider gradually. It will pull the hue towards that color but leave sat and exposure alone. You’ll have to mask the area to restrict the mx to the region.
Do you not mean CR3?
I thought CS3’s were old audio files. CR3 is the Canon raw format and they can be cleaned up really well with Adobe Camera Raw. If you do actually mean CR3, then take up your clients offer and have them do it themselves.
yup - CR3 like the subject not like my typo in the thread i am taking my clients up on the offer. Just wanted to make sure there wasn’t a nice plugin or technique I was missing.
They will probably use ACR. You can request the format that they convert to after they clean it up. It will even output OpenEXR, I think.
my only moire trick (arguably my only trick) is to stabilize the screen, average it, then track it back in. It gets complicated if people are crossing the screen, but if it’s just an unobscured screen it works a treat.
although it may get wonky if the screen has fast motion on it, at which point I’d do a whole screen replacement.
Capture One Pro has a very good moire’ removal tool that can be masked/localized.
If these are raw files just do that and save yourself the headache.
There should be some sort of free trail for the software.
there is a Moiré Reduction tool in the RAW converter in photoshop.
Oh yeah that’s right duhh, lol
I use it in Capture One as that’s my preferred raw converter/organizer and when I first tried it, that was the best moire removal I tried at the time a few years ago.
One of my cameras(Leica M9), doesn’t have a low pass filter so can get moire’ every once in a while, definitely more than my Canon can.
Anyways yeah, if Photoshop has a good one then that’s prob the way to go.
I love my old M9. The color rendering from that Kodak CCD is unsurpassed….
Most definitely, the reds and blues are deeper and I would say cleaner?
My Canon is the old 1D-C which I feel has better color then any of the recent canon cameras but still the M9 color is just beautiful.
Way back in the day I shot with the OG Canon 1D which was a CCD sensor. I feel like the M9 color is nicer, but I would need to dig up the files to compare.
Although, the color(and tone curve w/the old Canon Log), from shooting video with the 1DC in either super-35 or 4K is very very pleasing. An awesome out the box look, wish it shot raw though… But then I wonder if part of the look is that it is compression?
Now the best color from a digital camera I ever used was an only 6mp Phase One back(CCD sensor). Just incredible, it had the color depth and look of perfectly shot 4x5 transparency.
Film is still king in my book. But that shit is expensive to shoot now. I still do though.
Tri-X +1/+2 is my safe place.
Probably too late to help you, but…
It depends on what exactly you’re seeing (can you post a screenshot?), but I’ve resorted to Saphire->Blur->Chroma for these kind of video artifacts.
Also, try Separate - YUV mode, to see what the root of the problem is. Then sometimes you can median or blur or dollface the U and V channels and Combine-> YUV to fix artifacts that way.
Oh I just googled and Topaz AI Video Enhance can remove moire. I’ve only used it for upscaling but looks like they have a module you can choose that will fix moire:
- Artemis Aliased & Moire v10 – Upscale video with haloing or moire patterns. Aliasing is common in computer-generated (CG) content or from line-skipping cameras.
Good Luck!