Neon Sign

Does anyone ever attemp to create 3d neon signage using combination of 3dtext /IBL/PBS ? I was going to attempt in cinema 4d or blender but wondering if someone had good experience trying to build that in flame!

Not in Flame, but I’ve done it in C4D/RedShift for a corporate logo / tradeshow.

In fact since then Greyscale Gorilla has added specific Neon material and a full alphabet of Neon signs to their Plus Library.

Could make your life a lot easier…

If you’re really into details, the shape of the neon tubes is not that easy to replicate with 3D text. I mean the connections between the individual letters (which are taped black in real life) and the circular cross-section. But if these are acceptable then, a material that is flat-shaded and AirGlow matchbox is your friend…

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I’ve done this a bit and I feel like it’s possible in Flame but if you know C4D already it will be less headaches there.

Here’s my C4D work:


Did this a few years back in C4D, the biggest job was modelling all the letters, the whole alphabet for a designer’s toolkit.


I made a neon sign in Flame for my OFOW entry and it was ok - I used Gmask path to 3D shape and played with lighting/surface settings in action with a lot of glow.

But I would def recommend C4D over that if you can. And if you have access to greyscalegorilla, they have a whole library of premade neon geos and materials

(I somehow missed that @allklier already posted this above)

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yeah, I’ve definitely done it. A bunch of times actually. I think from an approach standpoint it really depends on whether you are trying to make it as a ‘motion graphic’ kinda thing, or is it meant to be photoreal and comped in situ?

Thanks all !! Very inspiring examples!!! I ended up doing bit old school with 3d text and airglow , manual masking etc… Really as it was tight on timing (as ever) … would love to try in C4D with a little bit more time :slight_smile:


I read the word C4D too much here, thats maxon, maxon is EVIL

Use blender, blender is free, blender is love <3

There even is a $10 plugin to make sexy neon signs


Why is Maxon evil other than making commercial rather than open-source software?

they bought redshift and broke it, I am mad

Maxon licensing is :poop: , their support is :poop:

Their installer sucks , their licensing/maxon launcher is pain
all their universe plugins crash all the time, for me its part of the adobe bubble and I just very much dislike it

also c4d is worse than blender in any way shape or form :smiley:

OK. Haven’t had any problem with either.

You’ll have written a replacement by Friday :joy:

try to manage a redshift render farm , I dare anyone .

We kicked RS to the curb in favour of cycles and karma and i couldnt be happier to not having tod eal with any of maxons BS, irs so liberating.

their booth at NAB is like next to adobe.

its part of the axis of evil sofware companies in my book.

Adobe/Maxon are on my absolute shitlist …

I don’t use render farm. But one of my clients does all his work on C4D/RS and they use a cloud render farm and I haven’t heard him swear up and down.