Network goes down

Network goes down

I noticed that on some new machines when installing flame 2023.3.2 on Rocky Linux 8.7, when opening flame the entire network drops
This happened on several machines in different locations.
Any solution to this or idea what it could be?

@pereirasantana - explain a little bit more about the entire network drops?
every machine loses network connectivity?
the switch stops responding?
or flame can no longer see any other flame?
or something else?
does the network recover?

If you ask the same question on various forums, please make sure to provide the link so we are not duplicating effort. The Area post: Network goes down - Autodesk Community

Everything falls and only recovers when it is turned off. Routers, switches, servers. It behaves practically like a DDOS attack

ip address conflict?

I think Tim is correct here. The default ADSK OS install uses a singular IP address. They are probably not changing it by default.

multicast was unmanageable during the 2023 season - the solution was hard coded data for sw_framestore_map - miserable for 70 to 100 workstations - thanks god for bash and ansible.
Also, umm, 2025.1.1…