New FLAME CAPSULE - Timeline: Slipping footage with or without key frames - Flame 2021.2

Today’s 30 second Flame Capsule shows how you can slip media in a timeline segment and decide whether any TimelineFX key frames slip with the footage or not.

These behaviours are all influenced by the “keyframe move mode” pull-down menu.

It is also possible to slip footage without enabling the slip mode permanently. If you are in SELECT MODE, just press and hold ALT/OPTION+S and you can slip your footage. When you release the keyboard shortcut, Flame automatically returns to SELECT mode again.

You can check out this video and more on the Flame Learning Channel

Stay safe and enjoy!



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This is incredibly handy and I had no idea you could do this!

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I keep forgetting how to do this - thanks for reminding me! :slight_smile:

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