Paint Node brush jitter frequency

Hello all,

I’m new here. Happy to have discovered this. Please be gentle if I’m making any mistakes on convention etc…

I’m using a batch paint node to sweeten up some animation shots. Everything is hand drawn animation that came from after effects with a bit of a gentle jitter on the brush strokes. I’m turning jitter on on the flame brush jitter and it’s greating the nice variation/randomness over time that I like.

My only problem is that the jitter frequency on the Flame brush is every frame and it is just to fast. It feels a bit strobey and seizure inducing. I’d just like to calm it down a bit time-wise.

Is there any way to adjust the jitter speed in paint? My original animation is done it twos so I feel like that might be nice or even threes… I’m not seeing any way to handle this.

I did figure a hack where i could run the paint node through a timewarp node but it’s a pain and really messes with the interactivity and timeing etc…

Thoughts would be most appreciated.



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Hey @halflife welcome to the community.

Not at the box right now, but there should be a numerical field next to the jitter, dialing it down might help. Also you can drive the jitter by the luminance of the front or matte…
Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 17.08.13

You can also give the Stylize node a try with its many presets. Exploring them will probably guide you in creating your own look…

Best of luck and welcome again…

Using one or multiple deform nodes to add jitter after the fact might work…