It’s a little tricky to diagnose, but your pattern seems like it should be working. I recreated this folder structure and tried with the same pattern and got it to work.
Are you scanning from the /Emi-102-226-0200 folder?
this worked for me to pull 3 versions. I was assuming
comp-render should be part of the clipname, I was having issues pulling diofferent versions from your original pattern for some reason. I dont know WHY though but it only finds v1 with your pattern if I remove comp-render it just works … also if I replace comp-render with a token like {artist}-{task} then it pulls the comp and render into metadata for artist and task and it works fine again.
Not sure if you’ve retyped it since posting this screenshot, but it looks like you have a square bracket ( ] ) at the end of version instead of a brace ( } ).
I’ve definitely been tripped up on that a few times.