there’s something in the doc about adding such a field, but how does it work to ‘link’ this to the nuke blur (linked group) value?
@fredwarren Would you have a simple working script (handler) that would expose 1 nuke parameter in Flame?
Like a simple blur maybe? Please pretty please?
Hi Stefan,
I don’t know if this is of any help, but you can find the pybox script for nuke at:
Hi Grant,
Thank you. Yeah this one works well, I’m able to use it successfully.
What I’m trying to do is to expose parameters from nuke to the flame pybox.
@tpo explained it a little bit and there are bits of info in the doc, but not enough for me to succeed.
I’ve spent hours trying already but no luck yet. I’m a bit slow
A simple working handler with at least 1 exposed parameter could help many to get this going.
Looking back at Thiago’s video (Thank you @tpo) (part3/3) using Eddy (Demo Flame2020 - Part3of3 - Eddy Simulations in Flame Idea - YouTube)
So … did I completely misunderstand what the handler should look like? It seems that it’s the exact same script than the one provided by adsk (the one you mentioned @La_Flame) - with the 2 modified variables (paths).
So all the rest (in order to expose parameters in flame) should happen in the nuke script?
I thought I followed the direction for how it worked in nuke (linking values, naming things with ‘adsk_…’ but I’m obviously doing something wrong there.
So I guess my new question is: Would someone have (and share please) a small nuke script with just a blur node (for example) and it’s value exposed in pybox?
here is my non working nuke script btw (modified from @tpo’s shared script) :
#! /opt/Nuke13.2v4/ -nx
version 13.2 v4
define_window_layout_xml {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout version="1.0">
<window x="0" y="27" w="2560" h="1376" maximized="1" screen="0">
<splitter orientation="1">
<split size="40"/>
<dock id="" hideTitles="1" activePageId="Toolbar.1">
<page id="Toolbar.1"/>
<split size="1897" stretch="1"/>
<splitter orientation="2">
<split size="783"/>
<dock id="" activePageId="Viewer.1">
<page id="Viewer.1"/>
<split size="550"/>
<dock id="" activePageId="DAG.1" focus="true">
<page id="DAG.1"/>
<page id="Curve Editor.1"/>
<page id="DopeSheet.1"/>
<split size="615"/>
<dock id="" activePageId="Properties.1">
<page id="Properties.1"/>
<page id=""/>
Root {
inputs 0
name /disks/nas0/CGI/R_n_D/work.stefan/flame_python/pybox/pybox_nuke/nuke_scripts/driven_blur.nk
format "2048 1556 0 0 2048 1556 1 2K_Super_35(full-ap)"
proxy_type scale
proxy_format "1024 778 0 0 1024 778 1 1K_Super_35(full-ap)"
colorManagement OCIO
OCIO_config custom
customOCIOConfigPath /disks/nas0/CGI/R_n_D/colorManagement/Color_transforms/OpenColorIO/ocio_v2/studio-config-v1.0.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.0.ocio
defaultViewerLUT "OCIO LUTs"
workingSpaceLUT scene_linear
monitorLut "sRGB - Display/ACES 1.0 - SDR Video"
monitorOutLUT "ACES 1.0 - SDR Video (sRGB - Display)"
int8Lut matte_paint
int16Lut texture_paint
logLut compositing_log
floatLut scene_linear
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name from_flame
tile_color 0x213244ff
gl_color 0x71a4b5ff
label "From Flame"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0x777777ff
xpos -673
ypos -428
border_width 0
bdwidth 260
bdheight 222
BackdropNode {
inputs 0
name to_flame
tile_color 0x213649ff
gl_color 0x435c6bff
label "To Flame"
note_font "DejaVu LGC Sans"
note_font_size 24
note_font_color 0x666666ff
xpos -78
ypos -430
bdwidth 281
bdheight 257
Read {
inputs 0
format "1536 790 0 0 1536 790 1 HD_1536"
origset true
name adsk_1_Front
xpos -593
ypos -339
Dot {
name Dot2
xpos -390
ypos -312
Blur {
size {{adsk_UI.adsk_blur x1 0}}
name Blur1
xpos -343
ypos -322
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos -198
ypos -312
set Nacd1050 [stack 0]
Shuffle {
alpha white
name Shuffle1_rgb_only
xpos -18
ypos -337
Write {
in_colorspace linear
out_colorspace linear
name adsk_1_Result
xpos 92
ypos -337
addUserKnob {20 caravr l CaraVR}
addUserKnob {4 viewPresets l "View Presets" M {main stereo cams "stereo cams" all}}
addUserKnob {22 set l Set -STARTLINE T "w = nuke.thisNode()\nscriptViews = nuke.views()\nviewPreset = w\['viewPresets'].getValue()\nselectedViews = None\nif viewPreset == 0:\n selectedViews = \['main']\nif viewPreset == 1:\n stereoViews = \['left', 'right']\n if set(stereoViews).issubset(set(scriptViews)):\n selectedViews = stereoViews\n else:\n selectedViews = None\nelif viewPreset == 2:\n selectedViews = \[v for v in scriptViews if 'cam' in v and not ('_left' in v or '_right' in v)]\nelif viewPreset == 3:\n selectedViews = \[v for v in scriptViews if 'cam' in v and ('_left' in v or '_right' in v)]\nelif viewPreset == 4:\n selectedViews = scriptViews\nif selectedViews:\n w\['views'].fromScript(' '.join(selectedViews))\n"}
push $Nacd1050
Shuffle {
red alpha
green alpha
blue alpha
name Shuffle2_alpha
xpos -25
ypos -242
Write {
in_colorspace linear
out_colorspace linear
name adsk_2_OutMatte
xpos 85
ypos -242
addUserKnob {20 caravr l CaraVR}
addUserKnob {4 viewPresets l "View Presets" M {main stereo cams "stereo cams" all}}
addUserKnob {22 set l Set -STARTLINE T "w = nuke.thisNode()\nscriptViews = nuke.views()\nviewPreset = w\['viewPresets'].getValue()\nselectedViews = None\nif viewPreset == 0:\n selectedViews = \['main']\nif viewPreset == 1:\n stereoViews = \['left', 'right']\n if set(stereoViews).issubset(set(scriptViews)):\n selectedViews = stereoViews\n else:\n selectedViews = None\nelif viewPreset == 2:\n selectedViews = \[v for v in scriptViews if 'cam' in v and not ('_left' in v or '_right' in v)]\nelif viewPreset == 3:\n selectedViews = \[v for v in scriptViews if 'cam' in v and ('_left' in v or '_right' in v)]\nelif viewPreset == 4:\n selectedViews = scriptViews\nif selectedViews:\n w\['views'].fromScript(' '.join(selectedViews))\n"}
Viewer {
inputs 0
frame 1
frame_range 1-100
viewerProcess "ACES 1.0 - SDR Video (sRGB - Display)"
name Viewer1
xpos 234
ypos -289
Group {
inputs 0
name adsk_UI
xpos -342
ypos -422
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 adsk_blur R 0 100}
adsk_blur 50.5
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos 0
Output {
name Output1
xpos 0
ypos 300
And the error I’m getting in Flame (and also the UI doesn’t have the exposed parameter):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/Autodesk/shared/presets/pybox/tmp48", line 147, in <module>
File "/opt/Autodesk/shared/presets/pybox/tmp48", line 140, in _main
File "/Volumes/F2000-01/discreet/shared/presets/pybox/", line 530, in dispatch
getattr(self, self.state_id)()
File "/opt/Autodesk/shared/presets/pybox/tmp48", line 110, in execute
File "/opt/Autodesk/shared/presets/pybox/tmp48", line 69, in initialize
File "/opt/Autodesk/shared/presets/pybox/tmp48", line 85, in setup_ui
File "/Volumes/F2000-01/discreet/shared/presets/pybox/", line 1114, in add_render_elements
raise ValueError("Element has no name")
ValueError: Element has no name
A weird thing is that if i delete the ‘controller’ (adsk_UI) and resave the nk script it works, then undo and save again … bam, the pybox doesn’t complain and from there if i change the value in nuke (in the adsk_UI node) and resave, it updates in flame. Still no exposed parameter in Flame though, no added field in the pybox UI
hey @Stefan attached here nuke script with Blur expose to Flame, Edited your nk (2.9 KB)
Thanks a lot @tpo Thiago, much appreciated!
I see that you don’t use a no-op or group node with expression link in the blur node, interesting.
Is this with the adsk example handler? (with the 2 paths modified of course)
There’s gotta be something wrong on my system, it’s still failing with the ‘Element has no value’ ValueError, not displaying a result and not showing the size fields, like before it’s not even showing the editor button.
Have you encountered something like this in the past? right permissions maybe?
This is with flame 2023.2 and nuke 13.2v4 btw.
Hey @Stefan it might be your system, not sure.
Anyways i recorded this video showing step by step, hope this helps you or anyone that is interesting in
Fantastic! Thanks a lot @tpo Thiago, very kind and helpful!!!
Hey Guys.
Is it possible to launch Nuke X instead or regular Nuke? I can get Nuke to work with pybox, but not Nuke X. I’ve tried to add “–nukex” where it made sense, but no luck so far.
You can try setting an alias in your shell to be
alias nuke=“nuke —nukex”
Or something like that
Thank you for the suggestion!
While it didn’t help my launch NukeX in Pybox, it will save me a lot of time.