
Have noticed when using Terminal to startup Flame 2025.0 on my Mac Pro 2019, that its started to show a lot of errors all relating to something called “Pyside2”…

Python encountered ModuleNotFoundError(“No module named ‘PySide2’”) in unknown code
[PYTHON HOOK] An error occurred. Ignoring python hooks from /opt/Autodesk/shared/python/logik_portal/

this repeats 11 times with different python hook names.

Is this something to worry about? I never touch the python side of things so not sure if this is going to cause issues.


Why do you start it from the Terminal?

always have done - was recommended as a more reliable way to start Flame years ago when i was having lots of issues with flame crashing. I seem to remember reading lots of comments from people who start up this way for the same reasons.


PySide2 is no longer supported in 2025, PySide6 is the new flavor. All your hooks will need to be updated.

thanks Kyle…no idea what a hook is! Like i say, i never use python and was just wondering if these error messages were a problem.

PySide provides the UI for scripts and matchboxes. If everything you need is working, you should be able to ignore the errors.

If you have a script or matchbox that doesn’t work anymore, that’s what you’ll have to update.

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ok, thanks Jan

Will try it!

How is it done?

on the mac open a Terminal window, enter


then hit return.

Next time you open the terminal, just hit the up arrow and it should reveal the last entry you put in, so its usually a couple of clicks to get the app started.

And when you run a different version of flame you need to ensure your command is referencing the correct version.

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ZERO difference between this and the icon.

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except you get to watch all the processes being started and get early warnings of stuff not working right…such as all the error codes that popped up in mine recently
you dont see them with the icon


You can modify this snippet to work on macOS which uses zsh by default (Rocky Linux uses bash by default - see link)

# Add an alias to ~/.zprofile
$ echo 'alias flame=/opt/Autodesk/$YOUR_VERSION_OF_FLAME/bin/startApplication' >> ~/.zprofile

# Reload your profile to enable the alias
$ source ~/.zprofile

# Start flame
$ flame
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This is right for the application itself, but you can see a bunch of messages and errors when starting from the Terminal that you otherwise wouldn’t see.


You will need to upgrade to the latest version of the Logik Portal python scripts: