Rain on a train window - can anyone advise?

Hi All

Anyone have any flame tricks (I don’t have any rain plates) to get the effect of rain on a train window?
Like this?

I’ve looked at @lewis matchbox but can’t get the same streaks because it doesn’t seem like there are any particle animators. I’d rather not go into houdini if I can avoid it because we don’t have time (or money).

Thanks in advance


There’s a tutorial doing something similar with Nuke particles. Might give you some ideas how to do it in Flame. You miiiiiight be able to get away with using some noise stretched in X and feeding it into a distortion like they do with the particle render in this video.


Another one useful for general technique:




Sapphire Distort Fine with z rotation used to work.

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+1 for buying a stock element, but also a +1 for Sapphire distort, using the element to drive distortion.
The best element I’ve used had green water drops on blue screen glass. The drops had nice highlights and shadows, but you could easily get a key for the shape of the drops.
Also try de-focusing the non-raindrop part of the image or just the raindrop part of the image. No lens has enough depth of field for both. In the YouTube example there’s an obvious rack between the drops and BG.
If you had to go full flame generation, I would use the rain particle preset, with the action lens zoomed way in on the drops. Slow it down, and do a recursive op (trails?) to make the rain linger after the they go through. Then sapphire warpbubble2 to make the shape of the drops ragged.
Might also be fun to play with the new refraction tools in action.


Thank you Chappie

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I haven’t tried but couldn’t you use Sweat with recursive ops and maybe play with contrast, motion blur and some matte tricks?


There are also some decent Substance textures in WATER->Water_Drips and ->Water_Drops. I’ve used them successfully to sell label replacements on macro beer bottle shots. Since they’re 3d, they respond to lights, etc.

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