Random: Thinking Outside the (Flame) Box and Negentropy

Hmmm…if only there was a way to structure conversations in a specific and organized way, that allows someone to briefly scan the discussion and see if they’d like to participate in it or not, and even chose whether to follow that discussion or ignore it…hmmm…now THAT would be super useful. Wouldn’t it? :slight_smile:


Less than 0.25% of the 3,000 topics throughout the history of this forum have zero responses. That means that very, very likely someone else out there is interested to hear what you have to say.

Don’t stop.

angry season 1 GIF by ThePassageFOX


Thanks Randy, but totes was not about a few dissenting signage and weary glances putting me off, but I do recognise that I can “go on, and on, and on…” sometimes. Well, most times.

I remember once, on the Autodesk Area someone simply answering a post with their own shorter text which read “wall of text,” which I thought was funny but not a rejoinder that took what I said very seriously. I just thought, if one doesn’t mind the reference, that I have other fish to fry and I might as well go off and fry them!


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