ok, just for info if anyones interested.
i thought i could get around the whole unlinking/…select new path…/… paste path…/ relink… vibe but i cant…
…but, could be a bug or just me, but. if i open my edit which has loads of checkerboard shots. drag those shots to the desk, they then relink with my new footage on my copied drive, and i can put them back in the edit…
Hi Andy, have you tried also with the media location path translation under “Preferences”. There you can set a path translation rules for cases like yours i think. I don’t use it very often but i think it can help you next time you have to do something similar.
Sorry for adding things to the list instead of solving the problem.
@AndyG so i did a test with the path translation and it worked.
After creating the path rule i had to restart flame in order to apply the changes and make it work.
Have a try if you got time.