Scripts to change QT NCLC tag within Flame

yea because there isnt a NCLC tag for gamma 2.4… stupid apple. 1-2-1 is undefined gamma so it fgalls back to the gama metadata :man_facepalming:

Right. That makes sense.

I’ve tried having a play with getting the ‘gama’ bit out of the file using the same method as that script for Nuke but to no avail. File format structures are beyond me so it’s like throwing darts at a board.

yea i was able to change it but couldnt figure out how to add it when it isnt there :frowning_face:

yea… well said. I managed to write a python/ffmpeg thing that does this as well, going to clean it up and upload to my github later,

if anyone allready is doing automatic dailies or whatever with ffmpeg then this is for you:

ffmpeg -i /path/to/ -c:v copy -c:a copy -mov_gamma 2.4 -movflags write_colr+write_gama  -color_trc unspecified -color_primaries bt709 -colorspace bt709 /path/to/ -y

tried and tested it QT eats it like hotcake matches a original file from resolve in terms of how QT displays it, my command doesnt re-encode just copies the file , depending on the ffmpeg version used it should also copy all the timecode stuff… but yea grain of salt and all


Nice one! Had no idea ffmpeg could change the color atoms.

I tried a few month ago and didnt get that to work so might be a ffmpeg update , I remeber I had to use --strict experimental flag and it wasnt giving me good results, but it works fine now

Hi. Just for the record, amcdxvideopatcher reports “glibcxx lib error” in centos 7.6 as well.

That’s not good. I’m running 7.4 so I couldn’t test 7.6 but someone mentioned it worked fine.

I can update the script to run on a remote machine unless it’s a Mac. That will mean you’ll need access to another machine that can run AMCDX.

Here’s a version of that will only run locally if run on a Mac.

Hi. The author of amcdx has relased a cli versión, without UI and theorically with no dependences of libraries. Does anyone konw how it works? or how connect it with the python script? Does anyone have amcdx working in centos 7.6?

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Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll give his CLI only version a go on 7.4 this morning if all goes well, I’ll amend the script to remove any OS version checks and run everything locally.

@finnjaeger it looks like you were the one nudging him along. Did you get it working on 7.6 and does it work as expected?

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yea he sent me a beta back a week ago or so and it worked fine on centos, new version just says centos instead of linux, i havent had the chance to download that though, there is also anothere one that is opensource:

Seems to work just fine on 7.4 as well. I’m going to edit the original post with the new links/scripts/info.


For some reason I can edit the original post, so here are some updates if you’re on Linux.

Please download the following two links:

The AMCDX link is the program itself so no need to “install” it per-se, just copy it somewhere like /opt/amcdx and modify with that location. You’ll still need to change as well.

This AMCDX update removed the dependancies that made it unable to run on CentOS 7.4 & 7.6 so now everything runs locally. Hopefully this will make everyone life a bit easier.

Ah. The edit thing is my fault. You should be able to edit a post forever now.

It’s Alive!!! … :grinning: Finally… it’s working. Thanks kyleobley :clap: :clap:


See Flame 2021.2.1

I saw that today. It’s interesting that ADSK decided to just provide a toggle as opposed to allowing one to set the values in advanced settings…at least that’s how it reads, haven’t upgraded yet.

That said, I know there are lots of facilities that hold back on upgrading for quite some time so hopefully this will still be useful for some.

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I don’t know how the new option has been implemented, but if it is an option in advanced settings of export, that means we will need re-export if we forget or we set the wrong option. With your script we can change directly the flags, without reexport, to test quickly. I think that your work is fantastic and totally useful.

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Thanks a bunch Kyle.
And Fynn, and Kily, and …
Kyle, i never got a chance to thank you for your Logik set of matchboxes so here i go, Thank You Sir!


Hi there,

Maybe someone can help me here.

I need to deliver a ProRes with 1-1-1 to match a Baselight export compared with QT Player.
But all I can force Flame is 1-13-1, where there’s a slightly shift visible.
If I disable Colorsync there’s 2-2-2 and that doesn’t match at all.

Any tip how to enable 1-1-1 inside Flame?
