So much to be thankful for

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US, and we certainly have much to be thankful for. 2021 has been a spectacular year for the Logik Community:

  • 1000 users on the Forum
  • 200+ users on Discord
  • 100 Patreon Patrons
  • 33 episodes of Logik Live
  • 13 episodes of the podcasts
  • Logik Academy
  • 2 Renderdomes
  • One Frame of White
  • Logik Hiveminds

And none of it would be possible without the love, support, and passion of this amazing community. Thank you for all that you’ve done to make Logik such an incredible place. Your enthusiasm inspires us every day to keep reaching for new heights. We have great things planned for 2022 and cannot wait to see where this adventure takes us next!

Wishing you and your families health, happiness and prosperity this holiday season.

Andy & Randy


Thanks for all your energy and enthusiasm (R)Andy…you have worked wonders creating a home for a world of disconnected creatives.
Happy Thanksgiving



We are the ones that should be thankful for the amazing community you and Andy have created. We are without a doubt the best post production/VFX community out there. And it’s all thanks to your hard work (in addition to your day jobs!).


#65 episodes of Logik live?! That’s a LOT of amazing content that is part of a fabulous library of education and entertainment! Especially now that Andy is the KING OF LIVE DISSOLVES!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Hug your loved ones.



This reminds me of the time I met Tom Hanks on set - it would have been about this time of year a couple of years ago. I handed him my script and asked him for his autograph but all he wrote was thanks.

So Happy T Hanks Giving everyone!


Thanks for your amazing contributions team Logik! Every day is a school day here… (except today of course) Happy thanks giving!