Speakers/Bluetooth headphone audio from flame Rocky 9.3

Hey Guys,
Normally I use NDI for all my playback(Audio and Video), but I currently need to use either the hedphone jack, or my Bluetooth headphones for playback. What should I choose in the flame setup app? Right now neither ALSA or PulseAudio are working. Anyone had any success using this setup?

Assuming you’re not PCoIP’in…

In Flame Setup Application set to Video Device None and Audio Device set to Pulse. Be sure you are adjusting the Flame Version you want to use.

In Rocky / Settings / Sound / Output / Output Device, set to whatever output you want to use. Make sure the System Volume is turned up.

Launch Flame Application. In Flame Preferences / System / Audio, make sure your Monitoring Level isn’t minus 75,000dB. Set it to 0dB.


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Awesome! Thank you!

Hey Randy,
I’m not seeing any Pulse options. These are the only ones.

I’m on a Lenovo P620.

In the flame preferences audio tab

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