Hiya @David.Marin, I’m a little late to the party. Hopefully you got it working. This reply is more for future searching/note keeping for audio issues to check so it kinda ignores what you have already explicitly stated in a last ditch effort to try to help Current Flame Community and Future Flame Community. Also I’m not in front of a Mac Flame right now so sorry for no screen grabs and for my dodgy memory.
Without having a fully and complete understanding of your audio and signal chain, diagnosing audio problems is so frustrating. Here are a few things to check. If it isn’t one of these things, it could be something simple and physical in your chain.
In order for the Flame Audio Gods to be happy enough to bless you with noise, you’ll need to make sure these particular sacrifices have been…um…sacrificed.
Flame Setup Application
Make sure that the Flame Setup Application is setup how you want it. In your case you are using a Blackmagic device so you’ll want BMD in Video and Audio. Then, in the Preview panel of the Flame Setup Application, make sure that all of your Broadcast Monitor Timings entries have a BMD in the entry but selecting all and choosing BMD in the little Pulldown thingy in the bottom left corner. Make sure to overly hit the Apply or Save or Keep buttton in the bottom right corner a few extra times. The Audio Gods seem to like that occasionally. Sometimes. Okay maybe not.
Mac System Preferences / Sound
Make sure that in the Mac OS level System Preferences / Sound that the Output is set to Something HelpfulTM, as in, is it set to your Blackmagic device and is not muted. Long shots…make sure you or nobody else has been messing with the Audio MIDI Setup application. If you haven’t, good! The answer isn’t in there. Sometimes people open it up and mess with it and break stuff.
Flame Application / Preferences / Audio
Homestretch. Likely this is correct but double check that the it’s set to Embedded. It should be. And if memory serves me right there is no Levels or weird Volume to mess with here like there is in other Alsa or Pulse configs.
And that’s about all that needs to be done from a setup perspective. You mentioned you see the VU meters in Flame bouncing around. That tells me that Flame audio is setup correctly from a software perspective. I’d double check cabling and volume buttons and de-embedders stuff since it could be something silly like that.
Holistically speaking, if the OS, Flame Setup, and Flame Application / Preferences / Audio is set correctly, you will see the VU meters and have audio working correctly IF there are no hardware/volume/de-embedding issues.
Good luck.