Anyone experienced the text tool freezing in flame 2025 on Mac? Once inside the module it will lock up the software… a couple menus still appear, but the UI is uneditable and you cannot exit out of the module/software…
What’s the problem? that just sounds like the text tool’s default behavior.
I’ve seen something similar on linux after pasting text in from the clipboard.
Oh, that might be something I recently experienced. At some point I became unable to interact with the UI while in the trxt module. Now that you mention, I had pasted some text from the terminal. I was wondeirng how I got there, must… report… bug…
I’ve seen it in Linux in batch.
Not sure how to replicate it. Will try @Quinn copy paste.
Getting around it I think I disconnected the text node. Reconnected. Then it worked. Irritating. Glad it’s not just me.
The UI works for me but it won’t render without missing frames in batch or bfx.