Random Flame UI freeze?

Anyone else getting this on the latest version of Flame?

It just freezes, but the weird thing is I can hit Apple Q to quit and enter and it will quit like normal, so the software isn’t frozen, just the UI. It’s actually happening very often, really annoying.

It’s always when I’m on the timeline that it happens.

Are there any or many BFX?

No none, its really early in the project, its really just soft imported ProRes clips in the timeline.

The weird thing is, some menus if you click on them they will open up. And if I hit enter, the timeline will play, cos I can hear the audio playing back, but the UI is frozen.

Sounds like a support call

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I’m sure AD will suggest this, but try a new project / user.

no new users on flame 2025 and above…
but i guess you could destroy your preferences and start again?
easy on linux : ~/flame
it’s sort of buried on a mac: ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/flame or something

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So how does that work with user prefs? horizontal / vertical reels? user bin in batch?

It’s saved at the os user level.

2025 User Management

Eeek - hope it’s not a return of the dreaded Micro-freeze behavior. That was not a fun stretch :frowning:

I haven’t seen this phenomenon at all during the 2025 activities, since last November.
I don’t have a mac.

Today my Flame was in slomo land. When I moved the timebar it took about 3 seconds to respond.

Long story short it had something to do with the video and audio settings in the setup utility. When I changed them, Flame responded back to normal.

This probably is different to what you are experiencing but I guess anything is worth a shot.

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I doubt the issue would be related to user preferences BUT in any case, never destroy these BUT back them up in case the preferences could be the issue.

It’s Topaz

It happens when I’m also running Topaz Video Enhance AI. I tried setting topaz to use less memory, but it still happens. I really need to be using both Topaz and Flame for this project, any ideas for how to stop them clashing?

Hey Rufus I’m a new convert to Topaz so this may or may not help… lol

If you have a 2019 MacPro you can select which GFX card it uses or use all of them if you have the pricey Pro License(def speeds renders up a lot).
So for me I select the card I know flame is not using when using them both at the same time.

You can also try the OFX plugin which is now showing up in Flame.

  • The weirdest thing is that it seems to render faster with the OFX in flame then in the app…?

The issues I’ve run into with it though are with ACEScg it clamps highlights and does a subtle gamma shift in the lower midtowns.
In ACEScct it does the subltle gamma shift in the lower midtowns and the NYX denoise model looks in super overdrive/terrible. It also leaves noise in the shadows.
It has limited controls and not all the models. But I think for in Flame work the limited controls keeps the workflow fast.

In rec709 the Nyx can also go crazy but Proteus works and looks great and renders fast.

Seems only Proteus is fully working as expected atm.

The caveat to all this is that these maybe work as expected with an M series Mac?

There’s a Video Ai version 6 just came out as well, fyi

Anyways I’m on a job through the holidays or would offer my help rendering stuff for you.

Probably not related (I’m on Linux) but I had my memory fill so full that I had to hit the power button. A restart of the application didn’t fix it, and when I did Top, the main process was swapping until it just couldn’t do it any more (perhaps a metaphor for life). Only a full power off and on again did the trick and it hasn’t happened since.

There’s a Topaz OFX for Flame?

Mac/Windows only. And it is really hard to find on their site.


Amazing, and it’s already installed on my Flame without me knowing. I guess when I installed it for resolve or whatever it also works for flame. That’s bloody made my day that has!


Could you pls give a feedback about the OFX plugin in Flame Rufus? The resolve plugin was not very stable here on Mac. Just a feedback from Topaz:

"The Flame plug-in is still in the works and has not been released yet.
The OFX that is currently available is for Resolve Studio and is still
in beta.

The team has not released the Flame plug-in just yet, so while the OFX
can be seen in Flame it will not be applicable at this time.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Kyle B

Topaz Labs"