That uneasy feeling

…its Friday, about to finish for the week, and you set a 750 frame render going…and it crashes after 5 frames. So you muck about with it, restart the render and now its gotten to 13 frames and counting, but tells you the entire render will be 18hours!!

I hope its waiting for me on Monday morning.


Any time I see what I think is an unexpectedly long render time I do a full reboot of the machine. Nine times out of ten the render time plummets. Also, render time calculation is just simple math based on how long it takes to render a single frame x how many frames left to render. If your day-old-custard starts with a dozen frames of heavy motion blur on a rack focus, and the next 988 are simple animation, it’s going to give you a crazy time that will start to drop once it hits frame 13.


I fully expected it to be a long render for this one. Lots of lights, motion blur, depth of field, tonnes of 3d modellling from first to last frame.

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Reminds me of a time in the 90s when I hit render and the box churned for 20 min and then returned back a estimate dialog box that said, “…about a week”. It was CoSA though…and another reason to use Flame.

I also once knew an artist that used to set unnecessarily complicated renders that resulted in estimates of several hours, then she’d leave for long lunches. Upon return, she’d cancel the render, and keep tweaking the comp.


Why do you think we added Software Aliasing with “N” numbers? How else are we gonna get to the pub on time!


Sounds exciting!

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