I’m tracking something and the tracker does a great job for 75% of the shot, then for no reason that I can tell–the shot is slow moving and changes little) the tracker JUMPS to a new point and continues tracking. I’ve got auto-update on, so it should be even less apt to decide to jump to a random area. It’s not even that the new area is more trackable or looks more like the old area.
If I turn off auto-update and set a new reference on every frame it manages to grab the following frame before jumping off the rails, but ONLY the following frame, leading to a “snap-step-snap-step”.
I know I can edit the curves once i get the tracked axis back, but why the heck is this happening and does anyone know how to avoid it? It’s so strange and it happens somewhat often to me.
Well then, that may be the problem. The Stabilizer seems to really really dislike 16bit. Clamp it or make it Rec 709 temporarily to track. It makes sense, I think, when you think about it. A fiver says if you hover over the area that you are tracking its got schtuff above 1 and is cramping the Stabilizer’s 1990’s Style.
If this works I’m gonna be both grateful for you reminding me of this fact today and pissed that I forgot it in the span of 48 hours because I was doing EXCATLY THAT on THURSDAY. Haha.
There’s definitely a bug with scene linear mode in the tracker which I submitted years ago - repro steps are very simple: stop the track at any point, hit snap, start it again and it flops around all over the place on the most simple footage possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me2v9gnZ9xA
Was still broken last year but I haven’t checked recently - everyone get in touch with support and report it The bug is: SMOK-49835 Tracking with Scene Linear Incorrect if interrupted or snapped