Virtualization - how much power do I need

I want to in the future move all my scattered docker, lxc and physical servers to a proxomox HA cluster and I am really not sure how much performance I need.

Right now I have a wild assortment that kinda grew over time , intel NUCs, mac Minis stuff running on Synology/Qnap…

→ Flame Project server running in LXC container on a qnap , want to move this to a full-fat VM.

→ Resolve Project server (postgresDB) , docker

→ Kitsu Docker

→ Openpype Docker

→ Deadline repo/RCS , on baremetal atm want to move to VM.

→ HomeAssistant docker

→ FFMPEG encoder server, will probaby keep this as baremetal for hardware acceleration

→ producer jumpbox , current a mac mini, mostlty to deal with down/upload of stuff remotely, i would love to just spin up 2 or 3 windows or macOS VMs with a GUI for them, they dont need to do much…

Want to also have some headroom to grow .

as you can see most are running on docker, but I am willing to take the additional overhead in running a debian VM in proxmox and docker “on top” .

What I am sort of eyeing is a ryzen 7000/9000 16core 1U server with 10Gbit and 128G ram, is this severe overkill? :smiley:

In terms of raw throughput my gut instinct is that your proposed config should be more than enough. I run a lot of similar VMs under proxmox on a first gen 16 core threadripper which is much weaker and It hasn’t skipped a beat.

Also if you add a discrete GPU into the mix and pass it through to your FFMPEG server VM with vfio you should be able to access hardware encoding :slight_smile:

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thats very good to hear!

I kinda suspected its a bit overkill probablt.

more RAM. 256.

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crap, that means threadripper :weary: