Why are Flame archives still so ridulously bloated?

My bookmarks were getting ridiculous big and since I usually view this forum on my phone I was loosing the ability to see other messages.

Maybe that is the “remind me” section :thinking:

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Surely you meant “Hall of Flame…”

Would it be possible for the forum to automatically promote posts like this based on aggregate user bookmarks? So the posts that a certain threshold of us bookmark are made even more visible to the community?


It does that already but not based on bookmarks. Instead of viewing “Latest,” you view “Top” and the site sorts Topics based on Views, Likes, and Replies.


There is of course also a “upvote like Reddit” flavor, but…I dunno…upvoting is so…I dunno. icky?


And that man’s name was Elon Musk…

Hijacking for a moment because path translation was mentioned…does path translation work for anyone?? it seems like the simplest thing but I have never ever had it work. Or maybe im missing the point of it entirely?

My use case is almost always: I’m inheriting a conform that was setup on a Mac with a drive of rushes, (sometimes with extra bits of media/stock footage/etc). Because of this, everything points to /Volumes/drive instead of /mnt/drive or /run/media/drive. So I don’t need to relink everything again, I want to path translate /Volumes/drive to its new location.

Is this what path translate is for? I set up the two locations so you would think it would work but it never does. I end up just manually mounting or symlink-ing in the terminal but would ideally love to keep this functionality inside Flame…

Show me the way!

This is what it is used for. I can’t think that I have a problem with it.
Would love to here from others but I have had no problem @friendlyape

Source: /Volumes/drive
What the Mac sees
Destination: /mnt/drive
What your Linux sees

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Hah! It does work!..I wonder what I’ve been doing wrong…? im gonna opt with saving my ego by sayomg it was shadow patched in the latest release

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It’s funny everyone can have workflows that are so different. I never cache anything.

My problem with caching is all the data duplication, it’s like you’re storing your job twice. Pretty much anything on the timeline ends up with a Resize node stuck on it, so it’s going to get rendered anyway. So the only thing that I’m really using uncached is source files for Batch, and the server is plenty fast enough for that.

I do really wish Flame had better re-linking tools though. It’s so easy in Resolve to move projects from home to the office, you get like a 2mb project file, then just either point it in the general direction of the files or even just toss the entire folder into the media manager and it relinks everything.

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We got rid of the path translation in the bluntest possible way by just attaching all our network mounts on the linux boxes at /Volumes/whatever.

It’s silly you can’t change that on the macs, but whatever.

Jeffrey from Adsk helped with this info:

Alternative to Path Translation in Flame

Haha I started my “Flame tips” notes into a Google spreadsheet a decade ago so I could access it from any facility I was working in. It got so big that I am moving it onto Papyrs.com much easier to search/sort topics :rofl:

This looks good :small_red_triangle:

Do you mind @digitalbanshee if I link this to the wiki suggestion thread:
Looking for a cloud-based Wiki Hosting service that isn’t too expensive

It wasn’t mentioned and it fits that perfectly :+1:

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Yup! It’s just a fancy WIKI, which is just what I wanted. It could work for that for the Flame Forum’s Tips & Tricks; people could edit/add entries and we are off to the races…

I love this idea @digitalbanshee I wish I had more people adding info to our company wiki. There isn’t much enthusiasm for adding to ours.

There are some people who are good at things like this and others that aren’t.

If we make one for the Logik forum maybe people will use it? :thinking: