If you aren’t familiar with challenge coins, they are small coins or medallions bearing a community’s logo or emblem and carried by its members. They are often shared or exchanged as a meaningful token of gratidude and cameraderie by members of the military, fire departments, and businesses. For more information check out this article from 99 Percent Invisible.
Additionally, throughout the month of November, if you post a reply in this thread and include a sentence or two of what Logik means to you, we will randomly select additional coin recipients.*
Thank you for 100 episodes of Logik Live!
Randy and Andy
*While supplies last. Screen images simulated. At a participating McDonalds. Do not attempt. Closed course. Professional driver. All rights reversed.
Logik is first of all a great community. There are a few around the industry, but the ones that stand out usually are smaller groups of folks with long careers who know their craft, care a lot, and are kind to each other.
It’s also a wealth of knowledge that fills all the blank space no product company can avoid and fill. Even better because it’s in synergy with adsk.
I only know one other group that has all these attributes.
Logik TV has become the water cooler at which to gossip and share, so sadly lacking in these times of working in small 1/2 person teams and no longer the larger melting pots of large post orientated companies.
not quite as sad as me - i have reset my browsers homepage to be the Logik Forum…that way i don’t even need to look for it - its the first thing i see whenever i open Safari.