2023.2 Animation - How do I see a selection of channels but not ALL channels?

Hi, I’ve just been playing around and not sure if this will help but have you tried ctl-clicking the channels you want to view from the list (left sidebar) when in selected mode?

I managed to view specific nodes by ctl-clicking them on and off. (smoke keys)

Yeah @johnag , I thought the same thing, but when I played around with it I landed on the fact that I don’t think you can ctrl + click when dealing with two different Action Schematic nodes. As soon as you click on the 2nd node, the 1st node’s selection goes away. At least that’s happening to me with my current animation panel selection / filtering settings. That’s when I stumbled upon assigning a color to the channels you want to modify was a way of saving it so you can then find both again to then ctrl + click on it to do what you need to do.

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@Jeff it seems to work across 2 actions

@johnag The problem with relying on the “selected” filter is that I don’t just want to view the 2 channels, I want to adjust one whilst looking at the other. The second you deselect one of them it disappears (as it’s no longer “selected”).

@Jeff Thanks for your video. This is indeed a solution to the issue. But it takes what feels like a lifetime compared to the old way of collapsing channels. To be fair to @fredwarren he offered this as a solution in one of his first replies but at that point I couldn’t believe that this was a change that had been made intentionally.

Maybe this is a pretty niche scenario that I’m describing, but it’s literally the first thing I needed to do on my first day using the 2023 system and something I do fairly often.

Although I can’t understand why anybody would want to collapse the hierarchy without it affecting the channels (I can’t think of any other folder system in any other software ever that behaves like this), I wouldn’t want to go fully back to the old pre 2023 animation editor as there have been some improvements that are useful.


The main reason this was an intentional change is that we wanted to remove the possibility to modify a channel even though it wasn’t visible. In 2022.3, you could

  1. Create an animation on two channels
  2. Select the two channels
  3. Collapse a folder so one of the channel is not visible
  4. Apply an operation such as Set Key, Delete Key, etc and the operation would be performed on the hidden channel without the user having a visual feedback that what happened.

I felt it was dangerous. That being said, there might be something that could be done so the new workflow makes the example you have shown more easy.

I agree with @leovfx. (I upvoted his feedback case). It’s not only a matter of select 2 (or more) channels. It’s a matter of not deselect the second one if you are editing the first one. I find this really annoying and impractical.

I love most of the things of the new animation curves. But this should be back.

Suggestion: Collapsing channels deselects them.

Wouldn’t that be the same as deselecting the channels today?

Today you can’t collapse channels at all.

My suggestion is to put it back so that collapsing the hierarchy also collapses the channel.

But to stop people editing the collapsed channels (which is what you said was dangerous) you make it so that collapsing the hierarchy and the channel, also deselects the channel.

So effectively you can’t have a selected and collapsed channel. I can’t see a reason you’d want to have a selected and hidden channel anyway.

I’m not sure that in my test this is the case. I can show just the KFs in Action 1 axis 1 and Action 2 axis 2. Then I can move the kf’s while both are visible.

If you’re relying on “selected” filter then you must have both channels selected to see them.

After that, to adjust only one, you have to deselect the other and it disappears.

Are you saying this isn’t the case for you? If so please describe how you’re achieving this.

Sorry if I’m missing the point but this is what I can do

You’re moving individual points. Can you scale the entire channel?

Probably the answer to that will be yes actually because your channels aren’t overlapping you can use Ctrl to select them. But if they were on top of each other you’d need to use Ctrl+F to select but this works on the entire selection and you have both selected already.

The problem is that if you’re relying on channel selection to drive the filter, then you can’t use channel selection for anything else.

Ah yes you are right. Sorry I get it now. It would be good that if the selection of the channel was held when you add another channel to the view.

Can this way help?

That’s great for when you want to select all of them.

You can select a few then ctl click to see the other channels

Don’t want to sound like I’m nitpicking here, but I’d want to make the decision of which keyframes to select after I can see both channels.

The reason I want to see channel B is for reference and to make decisions about how to affect channel A.

I’d need to be in that view with both visible and then be able to select and manipulate any and all keyframes.


I just came across your color tagging in animation…it’s awesome. Coolest thing I’ve stumbled upon in a bit. Great tip Jeff-

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This is still boggling my mind every time I open the animation window.

To stop channels being edited while they are collapsed, you removed the ability to collapse a channel at all, rather than just making collapsed channels uneditable. :exploding_head: