A way to use your Flame's GPU overnight (AKA a great way to find yourself in a meeting with management if you don’t own your own system)

Hi Kyle…I’d like to see what you did, and maybe we can make a best of both.


Best description of crypto yet, thought you might enjoy it.

imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved Sudokus you could trade for heroin


this sums up my feelings on the matter very well.

You don’t need an AI that turns everything into paperclips to destroy humanity, just one that puts a dollar value on everything. The fact that this AI has recently invented a way to generate value by idling your car proves my point.

My heart goes out to…

No wait, it doesn’t…

…To those poor crypto miners in Texas who must have suffered surge pricing during the recent catastrophe…

I imagine they’re all waiting for debt relief from their de centralized crypto government…

Bitcoin - ugh - about as useful in the zombie apocalypse as a collectible Pokémon trading card…
Or an ashtray on a motorcycle…