A way to use your Flame's GPU overnight (AKA a great way to find yourself in a meeting with management if you don’t own your own system)

Had an idea the other day to compile Ethereum miner on linux Flame system and run it overnight on M6000. Believe it or not it did actually manage to find some magic numbers worth of astonishing £0.04 (Lol) Didn’t worth the electricity spent.
Have fun:

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Nice work! Do you think it would work on imac pro with no cuda?

I like your motivation talosh…good bandwidth.

They have it compiled for MacOS already in the original repo so no need to do anything about it. The link to original source code is at the very of README.md and on the releases page there’s a binary for Mac as well.

thanks for the info. unfortunately, i read that MacOS support has been dropped long time ago. I tried the binary in their repo that is still present but is not working anymore (Unrecognized platform Apple). Too bad.

This is a great way to find yourself in a meeting with management if you don’t own your own system.


It is rather a side-effect of looking into machine learning staff and doing some google searches I was constantly bumping into this topic as well, so I decided to give it a test. It turned out that first Maxwell generation of graphics cards are not good for that at all - that particulat part used for generating cryptographic hashes are not much faster then CPU on M6000. Pascal and RTX - based GPUs have much better performance with this specific math operations.


Any chance this could be compiled to support cuda11? Thanks!

wow the payout is .2 eth which at the rate the flame mines would be a month of two

It can be lowered down to 0.05 wich makes it rather 2 weeks

It should be possible just don’t have a build environment for this. There’s a good chance cuda10.2 build would just work under cuda11, have you tried it?

Bush league. When I want to destroy the environment, i don’t fuck around:


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For some reason this reminds me of the time I installed SETI@home on IF’s Onyx2. It was fun until engineering found out…


The fact is that most of our Flames are up 24/7 with GPUs running full cklock speed no matter what. I wonder if there’s something as easy as nanopool for cancer research or any other cool stuff one can give those idle GPU cycles to

I get it, and frankly the world’s so shitty to people that I can’t fault anyone for wanting to make a buck any way they can.

Crypto bums me out nonetheless.

After reading the Three Body Problem I’d be against that shit too! Haha.

Flame runs on solar so either that extra power goes back to the power company, who are lovely people too or I make a quick buck out of it.


On the other side of the spectrum, you can also adjust some settings on logout to have the GPUs go to the lowest power setting and tune other system settings down from 11 to something more sensible. @ALan inspired me earlier last year to look into and it definitely has a massive effect on energy usage. I’d agree with him in questioning why ADSK doesn’t build this into their installs. It’s Linux specific though…

I’d be more than happy to write a post on what I’ve managed to cobble together if people are interested.


Hi talosh, if you did’n watch it already, have a look on this late night lockdown series by Alan Latteri


oh wow , thats really bad design by adsk… they should look into fixing that