Auto updating date and time in Desktop name

Apologies if that has been answered earlier. My search didn’t yield answer on my question however I might have missed it.
Is it possible to add a token in the Desktop name such as date><time so that when you save a new version in the library it is automatically time stamped. Attempting to simply add the above token is not doing anything. Of course the fields in library do have a time/date one, however I would like to be able reserve the date/time stamp only for Desktops and not have a somewhat difficult on the eye, big column of numbers for every clip, element, setup, etc …


The date tag in the batch burn_metadata node doesn’t update automagically either. Needs a bump once everyd day to update. Bugger. Need a feature request probably.

This is not possible. You can add your vote to this request:

FI-01375 Media Panel: Support tokens such as date and time for in the Desktop name