Batch Renders in Library - How to locate them on Mac ? (Flame crashes)

Hello everybody,

One client ask me to change some colors of products on Batch composites i made a year ago. Since, I changed my workstation.
I tried to reopen the project on the previous Workstation but project doesn’t open.
So I created one new and with Mediahub I opened the project and tried to import batch renders or Batchs into the new project but Flame crashes everytime.

So I get the Batch in /opt/Autodesk/Project/Batch/Flame/…
And It’s ok but sources (batch renders to make background, pre-comp etc.) are missing.

Do you have a way to get batch renders back ? I think Flame is encoding them in Media Storage but evertime I drag and drop or click import from another project, It crashes.

Thank you

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Did you save an archive off? Can you restore individual clips from that batch group?

Then maybe load the setup from file and replace the clips?

If you can’t pull your clips across using mediaHub and you didn’t archive I don’t know what you can do sorry.

Hello, I didn’t save an Archive but I get the complete Batch.
I’m gonna dig into Media Storage folders to get them back. I wonder if it’s possible to reconstruct or relink Flame renders to media storage.

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It’s OK. I found a way to get back my Render plate forum the Finder.
Not so easy but it worked.