I have a large project 4T with a lot of Batch Groups, Libraries, and Reels.
Everything was cached on a HiPointe SSD Raid from a Synology NFS Share and rendered and consolidated to 48 handles.
When we try to archive the project, we crash Flame. No true error messages in the logs or terminal. I was even able to get Beau @ ADSK involved.
So, we have tried to wire to another machine, pull things one at a time, new user, reinsatalled flame, etc.
No errors in the sw database at all.
But can’t archive only metadata, with caches, or anything. I can archive setups alone no problem.
I can archive some individual items, but the batch groups and BFX all crash the archive.
Beau has narrowed it down to the schematic in batch, as he can archive the batch media no problem, just not the batch with the schematic.
So, I am at a point that I feel like I may be screwed and this is a very important job to be able to archive.
Not sure if anyone has any ideas, but if I find out something, I will share.
I think Beau is feeling we may have to archive the media and then save the batches and BFXs out in file format. The dev team is scratching their heads as well.
I have not tried to remove my new BFXs I create to render the Neat Video renders instead of prerendering them that I learned from a recent Logik Live. Wondering if Neat Video and the BFX is is causing the issue. Or would compasses have too long of names cause that?
We did find some error regarding photoshop mio as well. But there are not Photoshop files in the Batch Groups. So, not sure about that.
Well, I am extremely tired, so will try to put more info in here tomorrow.
Thanks for any thought one might have.