Cant use camera in action when use mono analyzer

Flame 2022

1.i try to use 3d tracking (mono analyzer) when tracking finish i cant use camera in action. When i try to adjust zoom in in 3d space camera move but picture of result not change.

  1. How can i snap layer to point locator ?

  2. How can i hide camera in side action. I try to use h to hide but it not work.

Thank you

Welcome to the community @gumpmick

  1. If you look in the schematic you will see a surface parented to the camera. It is there so you can do your comp with that media. I usually hide that surface and add my own surfaces. Also remember to change the output to the tracked camera.
  2. If you created a locator or axis you can parent it to a surface and place it in your 3D space. There is also this nice trick to find a point in 3D space.
  3. Unfortunately you can’t hide the camera icon in the viewport, I know it can be distracting.

I try to do this tutorial

I use flame 2022 but it not work.

I cant link my layer to locator

Thanks for your answer @Sinan

  1. If you look in the schematic you will see a surface parented to the camera. It is there so you can do your comp with that media. I usually hide that surface and add my own surfaces. Also remember to change the output to the tracked camera.

Im not sure for your answer. Can you show me picture of schematic. Im not sure which node to link media

  1. If you created a locator or axis you can parent it to a surface and place it in your 3D space. There is also this nice trick to find a point in 3D space.
  • im not sure shortcut of link the media to locator is shift drag right ? I use flame 2022
  1. Unfortunately you can’t hide the camera icon in the viewport, I know it can be distracting.

I see this tutorial

It can hide the camera inside action



I just see how to fix problem
I have to change live preview to 3d scene
I ll try it tomorrow. Hope it work