Crazy Idea - shared Flame framestore over Thunderbolt Bridge?

Im seriously considering buying a 2nd Flame but I want them to use the same framestore. A 5 banger 10Gig switch is only $350 these days, so I could access it over the network…but, what about using a Thunderbolt Bridge? I’ve set this up using Sharing before, but never for a framestore. Theoretically it should be fast and slick, right?

Anybody else ever tried this nonsense?

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Aight, I just turned on the JFP signal. We’ll see if he bites.

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Asking for a friend, but why would one person need two flames?

To be able to run 2 flames at once. :slight_smile: :grimacing: :man_facepalming:

Seriously. I’m looking at ways to tag team projects, and want all the data in 1 place, with a Flame friend controlling a Flame via Teragucci.


I love Xsan, and I believe it’s still supported. Keep in mind that the storage has to be really fast to keep up with two users.
Last summer I priced out a Fiber Channel array that accepted 24 SSD’s. Would have been sweet, but the big project didn’t materialize.
Without a switch you could have a single user with 12Gigabyte/second connection, and two users with 6Gigabyte/sec connections.

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Or splitting 10Gbps x4 NVME RAID0 sticks would work… :slight_smile:

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Engineer here! Yes, this will in theory work. As long as two machines can communicate over any means you can share a framestore.

Most people go with 10Gb because of price and scalability.


You could just do direct connect between 2 network ports of any type, 10gig,25gig, etc. No need for switch.