Cryptomatte Spaghetti

Is this really what my batch schematic has to look like if I bring in CG Cryptomattes? This is just making 3 mattes and I’ll probably have to make many more. I’m pretty sure I’m not doing this wrong but… am I doing this wrong?

I also don’t understand why Flame requires me to manually wire up several inputs from the Crypto clip into the node. Nuke only needs one connection. But I don’t mind that nearly as much as my schematic looking like I’m going into warp speed.

I tend to do all of my cryptomattes off to the side of the main schematic and running combines on sets of three mattes plugged into a mux with the input hidden.

Duplicate connected to wherever and it’s clean… but yeah anything with more than 3 channels in Flame blows compared to Nuke. You have to actively work to keep organized.

Ps. Colormanage those fulls to half’s to avoid random bullshit problems down the line with incompatible nodes.


I have the same feeling. I made a feature request that touches on that among a few other usability issues.


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I’m suprised cryptomatte works at all @ you guys. It used to work for us and then it broke with some 2022 version and now it’s producing a partly working output compared to Nuke.
Ofcourse a multichannel pipeline would be the dream, but I’m not sure we are ever going to get there :).


When you keep a line with all cryptolayers underneath, you can put the cryptonode in the middle to connect and use it pretty fast. Even in huge batches no more spaghetti.


ha, that 32 bit clip is tech AOVs but I appreciate you looking out for me.

I guess it’s not so bad keeping them at the bottom. I do have a bad habit of accidentally cutting my connections so this will be a nightmare trying to figure that out when I do that.


Im sure you already know but you can have more than one matte output with the crypto matte like in @hildebrandtbernd ’s jpeg above. . Select the output number in the right hand column instead of all. Saves a little bit of batch space cutting down the number nodes.

It should be improved, it’s not pleasant to connect the node.



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Hey Mike!!