Export Quicktime with alpha

I have found out what is causing the problem. Looks like a bug and I’ll report it. The solution is to select Prores422HQ from the ADSK export preset and in the advanced menu change it to 4444 so that the alpha button lights up. The bug is when you select the 4444 from the adsk export preset (not within the advanced menu)

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This seems to be a recurrent issue with Flame. When I am aware of having to export Quicktimes with alpha my heart starts racing! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Seems to work reliably now if you select the prores 4444 preset from the advanced menu even if its already selected

Not so reliable anymore. The issue has come back for me. I have reported the issue to adsk.

I’m having so many issues with exporting on 2024 using “Export Between Marks”… with that selected I cannot export any text with an alpha… without “Export Between Marks” then it will export it perfectly… But what If i don’t want to export the whole track!?

I currently have 3 cases open with Autodesk about this,. Export between marks doesn’t work properly for me on exports, publishing or alpha channels. These were never an issue back on 2022…