Flame 2022, Big Sur 11.3. My Batch Paint brushes seem to be corrupt. New user doesn’t solve. Huh?
And yes, I’m painting out a booger on my own face.
Flame 2022, Big Sur 11.3. My Batch Paint brushes seem to be corrupt. New user doesn’t solve. Huh?
And yes, I’m painting out a booger on my own face.
That does not look correct, no.
Turn off NDI in broadcast preferences and try again.
I’ve had this too. When this happens I resize my brush (hold s key and drag) then paint again. Not a solution but helps and allows me to keep painting
I’m making a video.
About NDI.
Turning off NDI does indeed fix this issue.
Nothing about my face ‘looks correct.’
Someone posted about this same issue on FB Logik the other day. It was on a Mac, too.
I dunno what’s worse. This bug or the fact that there’s still people posting on Facebook.
I mean….why not both!
Yeah, I discovered it when I was prepping for Logik live and panicked. I thought I’d baked my graphics card. I think I found the solution on here though , so @randy , I have to ask, did you try searching first?
Balls. I’m trying to think of something clever to say but I did not search. I was so mad that it took me 37 takes to nail my opening dialogue for this super amazing video I want to make and THEN I find out I had a massive boogie in my nose and then the liberation I felt when I realized that I had in fact both the technology and expertise to fix my…ahem…blemish…and then the frustration of painting ugly pictures and forgetting how to submit a support ticket and then I thought oh hey, just install Flame 2022.1 and then THAT installation failed and then I had to create a support ticket for that…
Classic. All I had to do was search.
Thanks @mike.
Thanks for the nudge @Kirk .
Hi Randy, I had the same issue with my Flame 2022.1. I already post the same issue to the Facebook group and how to solve it. (At least it works for me). MY solution was simple to change the NDI output. I tried stream with NDI a few days before the issue occuers and then realise that I changed the broadcast signal to NDI. And i turn it back to my normal signal. And my paint node works again as should it be. When I switch back to NDI output, it gets broken again. I hope this solves your problem as well.