Flame Feedback requests implemented in Flame 2023

Hello Everyone,

Here’s the list of requests submitted at flamefeedback.autodesk.com that have been implemented in the Flame 2023 release. Thanks to all of you who are using this platform.

FI-00095 - Preferences: Support the Bold Font function on macOS

FI-00557 - Animation: Ability to save Animation channel settings

FI-00663 - Animation: Ability to delete keyframes forward / backward.

FI-00954 - Animation: Shortcut or button to exhibit only coloured channel in animation editor

FI-01026 - Animation: Snap keyframes to frame when resizing a channel from the Timeline

FI-01055 - Animation: Update the Animation Editor

FI-01798 - Python API: Add a Match function to create a PyClip from a PySegment.

FI-01860 - UI: Color manage the interface for HDR

FI-02028 - UI: Ability to minimize Flame from the interface

FI-02036 - Python API: Ability to save a timeline segment to a media panel object.

FI-02102 - Python API: Create Color Source in Timeline

FI-02197 - Python API: Get open / close library status

FI-02227 - Python API: Import Clip Options

FI-02244 - Python API: Ability to copy/paste/cut/duplicate a Timeline segment.

FI-02246 - Python API: Ability to perform editorial operations (‘insert’, ‘replace’, etc.)

FI-02277 - Python API: Get clip from the visible timeline

FI-02294 - Python API: Have control of the Dynamic button in the rename segment.

FI-02339 - Hardware: Apple XDR Display HDR support

FI-02600 - Utilities: S+W that is not dependent on GPU

FI-02611 - Text: Add colour management controls to the viewport

FI-02645 - Hardware Validation: Remove legacy checks

FI-02651 - Installation: Do not change DisableRemoteConnection=True to False when a new version is installed.

FI-02656 - Conform: Default to Project Resolution / Bit Depth / Frame Rate instead of resolution from file

FI-02659 - Python API: PySegment should have PyClip attributes accessible

FI-02713 - Python API: function to update the channel output of a segment

FI-02719 - OS: Use StartupWMClass=flame to prevent multiple instances of Flame from being launched


Somehow I totalled missed that you added this during Beta. Nice!!

FI-02719 - OS: Use StartupWMClass=flame to prevent multiple instances of Flame from being launched

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At the bottom of this page:

It says:
Conform—Bit depth and resolution : An XML or AAF file is now imported at its resolution and bit depth instead of using those of the project.

Which sounds like the opposite of what you wrote:
FI-02656 - Conform: Default to Project Resolution / Bit Depth / Frame Rate instead of resolution from file

Perhaps that’s a copy error on the website?

It’s my absolute favorite post-release list! :clap:t2::clap:t2:

I love these little “quality of life” improvements :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

FI-02028 - UI: Ability to minimize Flame from the interface

FI-02656 - Conform: Default to Project Resolution / Bit Depth / Frame Rate instead of resolution from file

I might be very blind today but can you tell us (as it might help others) where we can minimize the application? Can’t find or the “shortcut” under “keyboard shortcuts” :frowning:

its in the main menu on the bottom right-- where exit flame and settings etc are

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That’s weird, I’m on 2023 and it doesn’t seem to appear, any clue?

The Ability to minimize Flame from the Flame Menu is only available on Linux.

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Thanks for the info! All good then.

Ref AAF & XML Conform Sequence attributes:

Sorry this is sadly wrong. Text should say that with 2023 release, AAF & XML are now imported at the resolution and bit depth of the project, which makes more sense since we have discussed this change here some time ago.