Flame linux/mac/cloud

Hi, I don’t know if I am supposed to post this here…

I might be joining a facility in SE Asia and they are new to flame and have no support. I need to come up with a flame solution that is workable.

I was hoping on some advice on going in for flame on linux or flame on Mac or flame on the cloud.

What are the practical advantages of flame on linux vs flame on mac? Is installing flame on mac easier?

Is mac studio or I mac or the cylinder recommended?

For flame on linux is there any post on creating a flame workstation, recommended config etc where to get all the required software and how to get the whole box going?

Where can I get some more information on flame on the cloud… How does it actually work…what kind of computer do you need and what licenses does one have to pay for…

Thanks so much
Hoping to get some advice on this

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Thanks Chris, i think the company will go for the mac option most probably.