FLAME-ON-MAC: Remote client screening setup?

I would test first to make sure that your Flame is broadcasting NDI and is setup correctly. In setup, make sure you have NDI selected as your video out and have have a preview out enabled…

In flame make sure you’ve got the broadcast section looking right. You should then be broadcasting NDI. You can always download the NDI tools from NDI and use the NDI monitor to check.

Regarding the broadcast monitor, you can use Ultragrid to pickup the NDI output from your Flame and then beam it out to your broadcast via SDI.

Ultragrid can be found here and the setup from me is basically selecting the NDI source from the source menu. Then selecting my preview device, in this case an Ultrastudio monitor connected to my laptop, enabling preview and lastly setting compression to “none.” When I hit the big start button, UG streams the same NDI signal that LBS is streaming to Louper, to my broadcast monitor.

Easy peasy…