I’ve been working on some scripts for our team and thought I’d share them now that they are working well for us. Once the scripts are working, you can:
upload to FrameIO w/out leaving Flame.
automatically version stack when uploading.
automatically create FrameIO projects based on the nickname of your project.
retrieve comments directly from FrameIO without having to download a csv.
I’ve also made an update to the FrameIO .csv script that @andymilkis started. That being said, there’s a lot of legwork that needs to be done in order to get the scripts up and running. There are 14 required steps and 3 optional ones. It’s all pretty easy, but will take an hour or two. I believe you also need an Enterprise FrameIO Account. We’ve tested it in 2023.2. If you’re still interested, I have more info, scripts, and required modules here.
I’ve made some updates to a couple of scripts and added two more to the Logik Portal.
New scripts: Get Status and Set Status
These are self explanatory, but are limited to 2025.1 and higher because I’m using color coding like this because it’s similar to FrameIO color coding:
Automatically versions up a timeline if there’s a version with the same name already on FrameIO - assumes there’s a v## or V##.
Upload Progress Bar
Simplified the dumb way I was searching for a shared library
get comments
Started using the color coding above but it’ll still work with versions below 2025.1.
Edit - There’s no need to update the config file if you’ve already done that. If you haven’t, there’s a pdf that explains where to get the info the config file will need.