Getting some in-person User Groups going in 2023…

Hello Logik Friends!

I’d love to get some in-person Logik events or User Group meetings going in 2023. If you’d like to have a User Group event in your town please reply here with some suggestions! If you have a space that’s large enough for a user group meeting please let me know as well.



Instinctual is always up to host, but we do have limited space.



Deli in Hamburg (Germany) would love to host a user group. Space is there, probably just need to find more chairs when the theater room gets to small


I recently got an offer from The Mill Chicago to host something in person. Plenty of space. I’ll confirm.


I had one in mind for Norway or Nordics in general. Don’t know how many users there are in the region. If you are or you know someone who is, DM me.


I’ll show for a nordics…

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If you can give me enough of a heads up I can try to get there!

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In the past it’s been the resellers and Autodesk. Usually Autodesk has some amount of funding for live events, and the reseller handles the logistics (food, drinks, AV gear, etc, and coordinates with the facility or venue. I’ve done a number of user groups like this with Cinesys in NY, Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas. I’ve already been in contact with them about doing one in LA in Jan (no details yet). I wanted to see who’s interested and in what markets. Anything Logik can do to help coordinate or facilitate we will definitely do!


Agree with Andy. Contact your vendor / reseller to do logistics. This is how it was handled in LA and Detroit too. Don’t try to do it yourself; the vendors have a system in place for doing events! From tech setup for presentations to getting food / beverages, chairs for attendees, tables, setup and breakdown its a lot.